G. Ivanchenko “Caring for yourself: History and modernity”

The name is misleading: “Care for yourself” is associated with creams, solariums and fitness clubs, and “History and Modernity” evoke despondency, which remained in memory of acquaintance with academic works … But this is not at all about the advertising “care” anddusty “history”.

The name is misleading: “Care for yourself” is associated with creams, solariums and fitness clubs, and “History and Modernity” evoke despondency, which remained in memory of acquaintance with academic works … But this is not at all about the advertising “care” anddusty “history”. It is a pity that this rich, overwhelmed by fascinating quotes and a summaryly written book will not overcome young

Så du forstår hvorfor det er nødvendig. Men er det ikke redd for samtalen om emnet “vi planlegger alt”? Det kan tro at noe ikke er fornøyd med deg! Det kamagra effervescent forsiktig. Hvordan, jeg føler at vi ikke er nok til å gjøre sammen. Søndag kveld gratis for en romantisk middag og et hyggelig program etter det. Se, alt er så vanskelig!

. It would be especially important for them to think about what the author thinks about, philosopher Galina Ivanchenko: how we can work on ourselves, change ourselves, find our? How to be attentive not only to your body, but also to your thoughts, feelings, relationships with others? What is the price of choice in human life, what we will win and what we will lose, having decided to truly take care of ourselves-to live our life, trusting the world and ourselves, enduring loneliness and appreciating, developing and self-improved, without complicating and not simplifying? It is impossible to retell the course of reasoning the author, but you can ask such questions to yourself. At least one of them – and life will never seem boring or flat ..

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